NMPC Controller using ACADOS and ROS

Solver Design and Simulation using ACADOS Python Interface

First make sure you have successfully installed ACADOS

In this robot model, system input is u = [v, w] where v denotes the linear velocity of the vehicle and w denotes the vehicle’s angular velocity.

System state is X = [x, y, theta] where x and y denote to the x y coordinates of the vehicle’s position on the two-dimensional plane and theta denotes to the angle between the vehicle’s direction and the positive x-axis at two adjacent x and y coordinates.

Below are simulations with three different point counts: a total of 100 points, a total of 300 points, and a total of 500 points.

The initial states for these three simulations is the same with X0 = [-2.0, 5.3, -0.00629628].

First Image Top
First Image Bottom
Simulation with 100 points
Second Image Top
Second Image Bottom
Simulation with 300 points
Third Image Top
Third Image Bottom
Simulation with 500 points

Below are simulations starting from three different initial states: X0 = [-2.0, 5.3, -0.00629628], X0 = [-1.0, 3.0, -0.00629628], and X0 = [1.0, 5.0, 1.57629628], respectively. The number of points for each simulation is the same, with a total of 300 points.

First Image Top
First Image Bottom
Simulation with X0 = [-2.0, 5.3, -0.00629628]
Second Image Top
Second Image Bottom
Simulation with X0 = [-1.0, 3.0, -0.00629628]
Third Image Top
Third Image Bottom
Simulation with X0 = [1.0, 5.0, 1.57629628]

To run the simulation in your own workspace:

In robot_model.py modify your robot model, in create_solver.py modify your ocp definition, in solver.py design your solver, then run:

cd /path/to/scripts/
source /path/to/your/virtualenv/bin/activate
python3 main.py

Install ACADOS

Compile ACACOS

following this tutorial (choose CMake part to proceed, not Make) to install

If your Ubuntu is running on WSL, follow the Windows 10+(WSL) part first

Running Example Interface

There are 3 interfaces of ACADOS:

  1. C Interface
  2. Python Interface
  3. Matlab + Simulink and Octave interface

I choose Python Interface (Currently, Python >= 3.8 is tested).

  1. Make sure you compile and install acados by following the CMake installation instructions.

  2. In one directory you choose, create a Python virtual environment

    virtualenv env --python=/usr/bin/python3
  3. activate this environment

    source env/bin/activate
  4. Install acados_template Python package (replace the with the path to your acados ):

    pip install -e <acados_root>/interfaces/acados_template
  5. Add the path to the compiled shared libraries libacados.so, libblasfeo.so, libhpipm.so to LD_LIBRARY_PATH (default path is <acados_root/lib>) by running:

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:"<acados_root>/lib"
    export ACADOS_SOURCE_DIR="<acados_root>"
  6. Now (2024/6/25) ACADOS has a bug with the HPIPM & BLASFEO targets, so do the following to fix it:

    cd <acados_dir>
    rm build/* -rf
    cd build
    make -j4
    make install -j4
    # run a C example, e.g.:

    if you can successfully run a C example, meaning you has fixed this bug

  7. Now run a Python example:

    cd <acados_dir>
    cd examples/acados_python/getting_started/
    python3 minimal_example_ocp.py

    you will see bug: ! LaTeX Error: File 'type1cm.sty' not found.

    Now install texlive and its dependencies

    sudo apt install texlive
    sudo apt install texlive-latex-extra cm-super dvipng

    Then run it again:

    python3 minimal_example_ocp.py

    You should see the result like the following: